We’ve Moved, and We Have a New Name

We have now become the Truth and Traditions Party, and we’re located at:


Everything from this blog has been moved to the new home, but we’ll keep this blog open awhile to give you a chance to make the move with us.

See you there.

  1. #1 by Charlie Keil on April 29, 2011 - 2:03 pm

    I am looking forward to this May Day birth of a party that can unite true conservers, genuine liberals and libertarians, around a comprehensive agenda of non-violent, non-interventionist, multilateral, collaborative foreign policies and radicle (“rooted” in local communities) decentralist policies here at home. Our goals still conform with all 7 themes of The Great Transition, but now we’ll be focusing more on what needs to happen in the House of Representatives to scale back the size, scope, power, and waste of the Federal government.

  2. #2 by Bill Benzon on June 16, 2012 - 10:13 am


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